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Barons Court Primary School and Nursery

Our Aims and Values

Our Aims and Values

Barons Court - The core of a collaborative, creative and confident community, making a difference and shaping lives.

Barons Court Primary School is based on the educational philosophy of Regio Emillio which was developed in Italy following World War II. This philosophy encompasses the learning environment in which Barons Court has been developed upon through our enriched environments which were created and developed in partnership with our children, community (the school working as a community and the school reaching out to the wider community) and a creative enquiry based curriculum which is planned alongside the children to foster their educational journey. Independence and child-centred learning is an integral element to our school life whether it be educationally, physically or emotionally.

Our school building, which was developed in partnership with the children, parents, staff and all stakeholders ensures that it meets the needs of our pupils and enhances their learning experiences and values. The children are taught in large open-plan learning spaces, which allow year groups to work and grow together – developing a strong sense of community. These spaces promote opportunities to teach in flexible groupings meeting the needs of all of our pupils along with our staff.  The spaces are carefully designed to aid transition between and across Key Stages. Phase 1 houses our Nursery, Phase Two sees Reception  working together.  Phase 3 mixes Year 1, 2 and 3 and Phase 4 hosts Years 4, 5 and 6, all creating a rich learning environment for every member of our school community.

 About our School

Community: Our community is animated and engaged by a sense of purpose to draw the best out of everyone. We share the values of compassion and generosity - we are all fully engaged in the wider world and are committed to working in partnerships with the whole of our school community and beyond.

Commitment: We put our heart and soul into everything we do, believing that every child deserves an education that challenges, inspires and prepares them for a great future.

Relationships: Exceptional relationships enable us all to become truly courageous learners. We instil in everyone a sense of integrity and confidence and create a personalised, positive learning environment in all that we do.

Environment: Our adaptable school environment and local area provide a great place for learning, we make the most of them and are committed to enhancing them. We take every opportunity to take learning out of the learning spaces to experience learning first hand.

Fun: Our school is full of life. We celebrate fun and adventure, energy and excitement. Children are motivated to reach their full potential, children are captivated by their learning and feel happy and supported. The enthusiasm of all within our school community ensures our school is full of fun!

PLT Report On Our Visions and Values (Click to Open)

plt report on vision and values.pdf

 Our School Values

At Barons Court our learners are:

Bold – As learners we are bold and take risks in our learning.

Ambitious – As learners we work hard and strive to be the best we can be.

Resilient – As learners we persevere and bounce back when faced with a challenge.

Open – As learners we are open to learning from others and working with our community.

Nurturing – As learners we are nurtured through exploration and enjoyment of the outdoors.

Successful – As learners we celebrate all of our achievements and aim high!


