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Barons Court Primary School and Nursery

School Uniform

School Uniform

As a school we encourage all children to wear school uniform when attending school, or when participating in  school-organised events outside normal school hours. Our school uniform is important to us as we believe this helps children to feel part of our caring school family. Items may be purchased from any High Street store or at our local supplier: The School Wear Centre  in  Hamlet Court Road.

Our school uniform is:

  • Dark trousers or skirt (Black/Blue/Grey - no jeans or leggings).
  • White Polo Shirt with or without the school logo.
  • Red sweatshirt/cardigan with the school logo or plain red.
  • School Fleece (optional).
  • Dark or white plain long or short socks or dark plain tights.
  • Dark, waterproof enclosed, flat shoes or trainers.

Our PE uniform is:

PE Kit


Black shorts

House colour t-shirt

*Black jogging bottoms are worn in colder weather

Pupils participate in numerous Outdoor Learning opportunities and it is recommended that parents/carers purchase less expensive, more easily replaceable items of school wear. It is also recommended that each pupil has a pair of wellington boots available in school on a daily basis, with gloves, scarf and a hat for colder days. All-in-one suits have been purchased by the school and are available for pupils to use to support Outdoor Learning. Please support the school staff by ensuring every item of school wear is clearly marked with your child’s name.

Pre-loved school uniform can be purchased directly from the school uniform shop which is run by the Barons Court Fundraising Committee.

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