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Barons Court Primary School and Nursery

The Teaching of STEM Subjects

The Teaching of STEM Subjects

The teaching of STEM subjects incorporates Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. These subjects underpin our daily lives and many, if not most, jobs in today’s world are influenced by the STEM subjects. At Barons Court we aim to provide our children with the STEM skills and an enthusiasm for these subjects so that children can move confidently into their future learning in an increasingly technological world. Children at our school will have the opportunity to use scientific equipment, computing, design technology, and building materials during enquiry opportunities which allow them to adopt the behaviours, knowledge and skills of scientists and engineers. Our creative enquiry curriculum aims to enrich curiosity about the local community as well as the wider world and children are provided with transferrable skills, confidence and enthusiasm to embrace the STEM subjects.

Across the range of subjects children are provided with opportunities to collaborate and problem solve through a safe, yet challenging enquiry curriculum. The children are supported to work systematically – building upon prior thinking and learning and this is outlined in our STEM Curriculum Subject Maps below.


Children at Barons Court develop critical thinking as they are stimulated by problem solving and working scientifically so that they are excited to question the world around them through natural curiosity. Children are encouraged to investigate, explore and ask questions through our curriculum programmes and from the Nursery to Year 6 they experience a variety of stimulating and exciting learning which explores Science both within in our local and wider community.  We provide a practical, hands on curriculum which believes in the idea of 'thinking, talking and exploring Science'. The children work collaboratively to investigate and experiment and draw their own conclusions.


Design Technology

At Barons Court we teach Design and Technology across all year groups through our enquiry curriculum with ‘design, make, evaluate’ experiences embedded throughout. Design Technology equips learners to deal with our rapidly changing world and children are provided with opportunities to  be inspired by engineers, designers, chefs and architects from our local community and beyond. All children are also provided with the opportunity to be creative and innovative – designing and making products that they believe will make a difference to the global community. This encourages learners to become independent, creative problem solvers and thinkers either when working as individuals or as part of a team.  Children design their products or their meal by deciding upon the look and function of the item, they will then follow their design to make the item or prepare the meal and will have opportunities throughout the process to evaluate what they are doing, making any necessary changes or improvements. Through the importance of design they develop a critical understanding of their products impact on daily life and the wider world.

Design Technology is a subject where children have the opportunity to develop their ideas and set them up for the future workplace.




Computing is an integral part of everyday life for the children, families and staff at our school. It plays, and will continue to play, an immeasurable part in the children’s lives as they grow, move onto their next phase of education and beyond. Our aim is to provide children with the tools and confidence to use computational thinking and creativity to thrive in an ever-changing digital world. Our computing curriculum is designed to enable each child to become competent, confident and creative users of technology who are able to apply what they have learnt in all areas of the curriculum and daily life. Children learn how to use the Internet in a safe and respectful way through our robust E-Safety programme. The children will understand the effect their online behaviours and attitudes can have on others, the necessary precautions to take to stay safe and know where to seek help.

Through stimulating, challenging and engaging experiences children will become confident and independent users of a range of software and hardware. They experience learning which helps them understand how computer systems work, how to design, build and analyse programmes and how to find and manage digital information securely. This includes lessons on coding and debugging computer programs; online research – including evaluating sources for reliability; word and data processing; opportunities for creative expression through the creation of videos and animations and lessons on online safety and data protection. Through our range of resources such as BeeBots, Cubetto, laptops, Microbits, digital cameras and hand held devices children will develop the curiosity, enthusiasm and courage to use and apply their skills and enhance their learning across the curriculum and in the real world.
